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Rabu, 17 April 2013

the Dawn and the Twilight

Everybody's changing...

For not interacting with you, it's much more possible to face the change.
For not walking with you on the same track, it's undeniable there's a change.
For not sharing with you, it's probably because you and I are changing.
For not laughing, fighting, and spending time with you, even I do want to, It might be because everybody's changing.
For deciding to have own way, even I don't want to, it's because I want to feel a change.

And when the time comes, you and I will meet in the dawn, facing every change. And I believe, the change brings you & me into a good way, to be better person.

Or if in time you and I never have a chance to meet in the twilight, it's glad to know that you and I grow better, Because everybody must change for the goodness.

*in the name of the beauty of the dawn and the twilight*

17 April 2013
11:43 pm

 photo courtesy :  sunrise (i miss the link, just google it)

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